The impacts of food insecurity are hidden

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Tell your Member of Parliament to address the real causes of food insecurity

Every day, one in seven Canadians struggles to put good food on the table for themselves and their families. They’re food insecure, which means they can’t afford enough good food, or they worry about running out of food without the money to buy more.

Here at Community Food Centres Canada, we’ve spent years taking action on food insecurity in solidarity with more than 300 partners across Canada.

Our recent report, Beyond Hunger, exposes the realities of what it’s like to live with food insecurity.

Food insecurity impacts every aspect of someone’s life — it makes them sick, breaks down relationships, makes it hard to find and keep work, and has lasting effects on children’s health and wellbeing.


The report, which surveyed more than 500 people across the country, also drives home that the root cause of food insecurity is poverty. And that the solution to poverty is policy change.

Join us in advocating for policies that ensure everyone can afford to put food on their table. Policies that increase incomes, strengthen social programs, and make life more affordable for all Canadians.

We need you to raise your voice with us. If enough of us raise our voices together, we can make politicians listen.

In a few simple steps, you can contact your local MP and demand policy change.

  1. Fill in your information - adding your postal code will make sure it goes right to your MP.
  2. Personalize the suggested email copy.
  3. Send!

Take action by writing to your MP today.

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